
Simple ways to nurture the planet from home

Think about nurturing your child’s future and encouraging them to multiply their potential so they can make all their dreams come true. Usually as a parent, the focus tends to be around the child’s wellbeing, their progress at school, their growth and cognitive development, and pretty much all the elements that come together in supporting your child’s holistic development. Of course, this is a beautiful thing and a showcase to the bright future ahead for your child. However, have you considered where your child’s future is going to be taking place? Because the answer is very simple: Their future is going to take place on this planet. 

So, how is it that as parents, we are so actively invested in nurturing our children’s futures without paying close attention to the fact that in order for their futures to be nurtured, we need to nurture the planet at the exact same time? This is so that they have a beautiful and safe place to not only pursue their futures but also thrive throughout the journey.

In order for us to nurture the planet, we have to start with understanding the root cause – climate change. According to NASA: “Climate change is a change in the usual weather found in a place. This could be a change in how much rain a place usually gets in a year. Or it could be a change in a place’s usual temperature for a month or season. Climate change is also a change in earth’s climate. This could be a change in earth’s usual temperature. Or it could be a change in where rain and snow usually fall on earth. Weather can change in just a few hours. Climate takes hundreds or even millions of years to change”. NASA further argues that, “People who study earth see that earth’s climate is getting warmer. Earth’s temperature has gone up about one degree Fahrenheit in the last 100 years. This may not seem like much, but small changes in earth’s temperature can have big effects. Some effects are already happening. Warming of earth’s climate has caused some snow and ice to melt. The warming also has caused oceans to rise. And it has changed the timing of when certain plants grow”. 

what can we do on a daily basis and from the comforts of our own homes to nurture the planet? It’s as simple as actively reducing our impact on the environment by reducing our carbon footprint. A carbon footprint is the amount of harmful gases, mainly carbon dioxide, that are released into the air and atmosphere by a particular human activity, like driving a car or shooting a rocket into outer space, which makes such activities the main contributors to climate change. But there is light at the end of this tunnel, because every single household has the potential to become more energy-efficient by taking a look at the household’s carbon footprint. Did you know that reducing your household’s carbon footprint can actually save you money? Well, now that there’s a great incentive, how do you reduce your carbon footprint? It’s all about your lifestyle! From the type of transport you use, the electricity you use, your purchasing habits, to the food you eat, these all contribute to your carbon footprint. Here are some simple steps you can take to help nurture the planet in order to nurture the future. 

This is a simple yet very effective act. Make the pledge to recycle your household waste and take advantage of your local recycling facilities, both formal and informal. Make the process a lot easier by separating your plastic, paper, glass and metal waste before the pick-up. Find ways to reuse waste items that can’t be recycled and when you’re making a purchase, ask yourself whether or not you really need to buy non-recyclable products. 

No plastic
It is as simple as saying “No thank you” at the till when asked if you’d like a plastic bag or at the restaurant when they offer you a straw. The UN predicts that by 2050, there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish, because our consumption of plastic products and plastic packaging is unsustainable. Instead of using plastic, choose paper products instead, like paper bags, paper straws, etc. “But what about the bag of plastic full of other bags of plastic in my cupboard?”, you may ask. Well, reuse it or lose it. It’s that simple. 

Check your food waste
When food is thrown away in the bin, it will often end up in a landfill where it will decompose. Why is this an issue? Well, when large amounts of food decompose, they produce a large amount of methane in the process, which is a greenhouse gas. So, when it’s time for a wholesome meal or quick snack, try to finish your meals at home and at restaurants. Store your food correctly, so it lasts long enough to eat. Buy what you need and know you will use. Use your organic food scraps in your compost bucket to feed your garden.

Grow your own garden of fruits, veggies and herbs
While we are on the topic of food, growing your own is very beneficial to nurturing the planet. When you grow your own garden, you’re not only saving money but also limiting the amount of food waste that takes place.

Buy local!
When it’s time to stock up on some groceries or on a new outfit, get to the closest store to your house or at a convenient store on the way home from work. It’s a great way to avoid unnecessary plastic packaging, and the drive to the store is close enough to turn into a walk so no gasses are released into the air. 

Public transport is king
Take your pick at a taxi, bus, train, catch a tuk-tuk, or you could take a walk or ride a bike. Either way, using public transport will reduce the number of cars on the road, easing up the traffic congestion and of course reducing all the carbon that goes out into the air. Maybe you’re not a big fan of public transport? Then get ready to bond with a few friends or colleagues because carpooling is an excellent way to play your part in nurturing the planet while being completely comfortable. 

Check your electricity usage
If load shedding hasn’t already planted this idea in your mind yet, we are here to encourage you to minimise your electricity usage. Switch off the lights when you’re not in a room. Turn off the television when you’re not watching it and unplug your cell phone charger when you are not using it. Buy a gas heater instead of an electric heater. Avoid boiling a full kettle if you’re only having one cup of tea or coffee. Instead, fill the kettle with just the right amount of water as needed. These are just a few simple steps that really don’t require you to change anything about your daily routine.

Educate your kids
Get your kids involved in nurturing the planet from a young age, so that they build shopping and living habits that are healthy for the planet. Think of it as investing in the future of the planet’s wellbeing.